Our Favorite Moment of the Week - Poetry Teatime
Our Favorite Moment of the Week

Our Favorite Moment of the Week

Poetry tea time is our family’s favorite homeschool lifestyle practice adapted from Brave Writer. Even my boys love poetry tea time and the little one begs for “poetry but not tea” every day. I must admit that I totally bribed my kids into loving poetry with sweet treats and a lovely table scape.

We’ve been practicing poetry tea time for about eight months now. Even during our move this year we kept up with the practice. At first my children just loved the sweets, fancy table and lit candle. Over time, however, they found their passion for poetry…for beautiful words woven together sometimes delightful and other times heartbreaking. Poetry is raw, a distilled expression in the artistry of language…purer than prose.

Poetry Teatime

This time together is the heartbeat of our homeschool lifestyle and even when we take a break from formal schooling we still meet together for poetry tea time on Tuesday afternoons.

Poetry Teatime

Read more on Audria's blog, At the Well.

Share your Poetry Teatime story with us!

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