Poetry Prompt: Nature's Recipe - Poetry Teatime
Poetry Prompt: Nature's Recipe

Poetry Prompt: Nature's Recipe

Today's poetry prompt comes to us from one of our Brave Writer families. Let's check out Evelyn's recipe for "Nature Poundcake," then create our own!

Nature Poundcake
By Evelyn

Ingrediense [spelling follows the original manuscript, above]

1 cup sawdust
1 container
1/2 cups water
1 cup dirt
1 rock
1 cup leaves
1 rotten apple
1 and 1/4 cup pine neddles
4 peses of bark
Some clovers


  • Layer dirt, pine neddles leaves and sawdust. Put rock on the top.
  • Add water. Wait 5 minets or 7 minets then wait to dry.
  • Desin the rotten apple, bark, and clovers on top. Take rock off.
  • Serve and enjoy!

Now, it's time for us to follow along!

  • Go for a nature walk and collect ingredients for your own nature recipe.
  • Decide what you'd like to bake: cake, biscuits, pie, cookies, or whatever your heart desires!
  • Write out your own ingredients list and directions.
  • For more inspiration for your recipe poem, check out this poetry prompt!

Be sure to share your finished products (both poems and pictures!) with us here.

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