Recommended: Poems to Learn by Heart - Poetry Teatime
Recommended: Poems to Learn by Heart

Recommended: Poems to Learn by Heart

“If we learn poems by heart, we will always have their wisdom to draw on, and we gain understanding that no one can take away.” ~Caroline Kennedy

Set out some yummy snacks, a pot of hot tea, and a lovely book of poems. For your next Poetry Teatime consider reading from Caroline Kennedy’s, Poems to Learn by Heart (affiliate link).

Kennedy (daughter of J.F.K. and editor of numerous books) has lovingly put together a collection of almost two hundred poems that not only delight and engage readers of all ages, but are also intended to be memorized. The book is illustrated by Jon J Muth.

Each section is begun by a brief essay, where Kennedy shares thoughts (“Poetry can help us resist the pulls and tugs of life”) and tidbits (did you know that fairies have become increasingly smaller in modern poems?) and stories (a Little League coach shared a poem with his players at the end of every game and gave poetry as much credit as practice for his team’s success).

You and your children will have fun selecting verses to share around the table. There are poems about nature and nonsense, sports and school, family and friends, plus monsters and gnomes.


Click here for more fabulous poetry collections

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