Tips - Poetry Teatime
Poetry Prompt: Nonsense Poem

Poetry Prompt: Nonsense Poem

What is a Jabberwock and how does it whiffle through the tulgey wood? What’s a vorpal sword and why does it go snicker-snack? Today, we’re going to use our imaginations to create wonderful poetic nonsense that will rival even Lewis Carroll’s masterpiece, “Jabberwocky.”

Poetry Prompt: Poems as Gifts

Poetry Prompt: Poems as Gifts

Holiday season is coming up, and it’s always a good idea to be thinking ahead! Today’s prompt not only gives you great gift ideas but also helps you look back on all of the poems you’ve written this year. Plus, you’ll be able to take the next step in sharing your poetry with the world!

Poetry Prompt: Leaf Creatures

Poetry Prompt: Leaf Creatures

For today’s poetry prompt, let’s go for a walk! Put on some boots and a scarf. Breathe that fresh air. Be on the lookout for the prettiest fall leaves. We’ll be using those leaves to inspire our poetry!

Poetry Prompt: Dramatic Monologue

Poetry Prompt: Dramatic Monologue

Do you have a flair for the dramatic? Do you love making up different voices for your stuffed animals or dressing up as a pirate captain and sailing the seven seas? Today’s poetry prompt is all about getting into character. So read on and see if you’ve got the acting chops to pull off a dramatic monologue!

Poetry Prompt: Start at the End

Poetry Prompt: Start at the End

Grab some poetry books, pencils, and paper, and let’s get ready to write a poem! In today’s prompt, we’ll be trying a new strategy. Here’s a hint: we’re starting at the end.